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Red/Blue/Yellow Miscellanea


RBY is in some ways a land of dashed dreams of wealth and power. Some Pokémon just don't have a chance to perform the way they should have. In my experience battling RBY I've attempted to use some of these and in this guide I'll explain these experiences and recommend these seldom-used Pokémon based on my (semi-thorough) battling experience.



Maybe it's just me, but I've almost never seen a Vaporeon on an RBY team. Well, it shouldn't be that way. Vaporeon may not have Lapras's or Starmie's amazing TM compatibility (which, there's no denying it, limits Vaporeon), but it makes up for it with exceptional survivability. Now Schwa, you're probably saying, have you ever looked at Vap's Defense? Indeed it sucks, but do realize that Vaporeon's huge HP and lack of any physical weaknesses more than make up for it. Vaporeon, in my experiences can shrug off physical attacks pretty damn well. And if you're really concerned with physical attacks, use Acid Armor. In many cases, however, I've found Acid Armor not entirely necessary. Vap can also Haze, and is probably the best Hazer out there. That alone may be reason enough to use Vaporeon, in some cases. But the list of positive traits doesn't stop here! Vaporeon also gets Focus Energy, which can be very advantageous. In my experiences, Vaporeon always seems to be up against these son of a bitch Chanseys or Alakazams and they end up trading hits doing minuscule amounts of damage and then Recovering or Softboiling (or Resting in Vaporeon's case). With Focus Energy, Vaporeon is able to do superior damage and put those annoying foes in a watery grave.



Hell yeah! Vaporeon is great if you need a Hazer or even just a Water type in general. If you're dying for great TM compatibility, use Lapras or Starmie.  You'll be happy you did.


Movesets I've Used:

Surf/Ice Beam/Acid Armor/Rest (My first PBS Vaporeon. It worked, but always ended up in recovery wars)  

Surf/Ice Beam/Focus Energy/Rest (Focus Energy really helps recovery wars and Acid Armor is not really needed, Vap's high HP works well enough to absorb physical damage.)




Another one that isn't seen around often. Raticate is simply a gamble. It will either die horribly or leave a path of damage in it's wake. Focus Energy is one of Raticate's greatest assets. It's the only normal type to get this great move, which, on the PBS, makes damn near all Raticate's attacks Critical Hits. Combine this with STAB and decent attack and you're looking at a great damage source. Add in Super Fang and you're looking at an even greater damage source, need I say more? Well, here's the bad part. The poor rat usually won't even be able survive 1 puny turn to use Focus Energy. Sad, isn't it. Raticate's only chance of getting set up is to be sent out against an asleep opponent who isn't planning on switching. Then, and only then, will everyone's favorite rat be able to destroy like a madman.



Only if you have incredible luck and and psychic intuition into what your opponent will use next can I recommend Raticate. Otherwise, he's not used for a reason.


Movesets I've Used:

Super Fang/Body Slam/Focus Energy/Blizzard (This is the only way to go with Raticate.  Blizzard is great for those Rock/Grounds that always seem to show up.)




Bleh. I used this for a grand total of one battle. It's only good stat is it's Defense, but who uses physical attacks against Onix anyway? And not to mention it's HP is bad. Onix can Screech, but it'll die before it has a chance to Screech to the level where it's attacks can do decent damage.



No. This just sucks. Sucks badly. Only use this if 1) You're using a fun team and it's your favorite, 2) you're trying to make some kind of point.


Movesets I've Used:

Earthquake/Rock Slide/Explosion/Screech (What else can you do with it?)




It and Farfetch'd are the only 2 normal types that can learn Swords Dance. Neither are all that great. Given a choice, I'd take Licki. The key to setting Lickitung up Licktung is to be against a paralyzed opponent. If their not paralyzed, they'll take advantage of Lickitung's speed problems and mutilate him. If they're paralyzed, Licktung will usual be able to get a dance or two in, and do some good damage with Body Slam or Double Edge and decent damage with Earthquake.



If you're looking for a normal type that can eventually do some heavy damage, give Licktung a look, but be sure you're team is heavily centered around paralysis. Otherwise, look at the 10 billion other normal types out there.


Movesets I've used:

Body Slam/Earthquake/Swords Dance/Rest (The last move is really a filler. Some like Supersonic or Stomp - for flinch if Body Slam paralyzes).



   Mr. Mime  

Like Onix, Mime was on my team for only about one battle. It's not that he performed extremely poorly, it's that there are 10 million other choices that outclass him. The only thing that he can do that most psychics can't is Barrier, but he probably won't survive that long and to top it all off was terrible HP.



Not unless you really want a child-molesting clown on your team. There are better, though more standard choices out there.


Moveset's I've Used

Psychic/Barrier/Thunderwave/Seismic Toss (It can work, sometimes.)




Imagine a Vaporeon with Starmie's speed and 20 more Special. Sounds good, doesn't it? Now picture that Vaporeon with about 100 less HP, a weakness to Ground and Psychic, and no Haze or Focus Energy. Despite these undesirable traits, I've had very good results using Tentacruel. Like Vaporeon, he is able to learn a move that ups his weak defense (in this case Barrier), which allows him to survive very well, even if Grounds come in. I wouldn't switch him in against a ground, though; he'd be destroyed on the enemy's free turn. Tentacruel is good, but in many cases, Vaporeon is better. Vap can survive more and still dish out approximately the same damage (Tentacruel only has 20 points more special).



Sure. I've used this many times and once or twice, it has saved me from nearly certain defeat. Used right, this can work miracles. If you need a Pokémon like Vaporeon, but need Speed, try Tentacruel.


Moveset's I've Used

Surf/Ice Beam/Barrier/Rest (Some prefer to have Mega Drain somewhere on the set, but Mega Drain is rather weak without any form of STAB).



Well that concludes this pitiful collection of ramblings. Feel free to yell at me via e-mail and make fun of my stupidity.


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