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Team Building Strategies



If you’re not good at math and/or you haven’t at least taken Algebra, you probably won’t understand the reasoning behind some of these things, and so you probably shouldn’t try too hard. You may just want to skip to the last “Summary” section.


I started making Proportioned Stats (or Prop Stats for short) with the following goals in mind:

- To reformat defensive statistics (including HP) so the actual overall defensive capabilities for easier comparison

- To make a system of stats that reflected not variables in a formula, but actual amounts of damage, thus being proportional to the damage dealt and thus the original naming of the system

- To make the stats as simple as possible to work with and be as versatile as possible while still being reasonably accurate

Thus, with these things in mind, I set out to create a “new stat system.”

The First Steps

First, when I started creating this, I figured stats should be figures that came out of the Battle Damage Formula (BDF) in order to make them proportioned to actual damage. Knowing that, I decided to use Mew’s stats (since they are all equal) as the central point of the system.

Choosing the Average

The random value in the BDF (R) had to be assigned a value for the system. In order to make the damage variance easier to work with, I assigned it the value of the square root of 55335 (217 * 255), or about 235.2 (yes, for those of you who have taken geometry, that‘s the geometric mean, since 217/x = x/255 for variance to be equal). This was chosen since this makes the % variance (relative to the damage) equal each way (it comes out to about 8.4% each way). This is only off of the actual average (236) by a negligible amount, and it allows the number to be figured more quickly and only remembering a single number (8.4%). Ironically, the possible 1-2 HP difference becomes lost in the variation itself.

The Stat Formulae

Initally, I used the following formula (the code style is written for Excel):


From this point on, I’ll just reference this in the following way: BDF([Attack]-[Damage]-[Defense]-[HP]) (i.e. BDF(298-100-298-403)) for the purposes of speed and space. The division at the end by HP is just dividing the damage dealt by total HP to make it a percent figure, and the * 100 and rounding makes it rounded to one decimal place.

To determine the Attack/Special Attack stat of a Pokemon, I used BDF([Attack]-100-298-493); basically a non-typed non-STAB 100-base-damage attack against a Mew.

To determine the Defense/Special Defense stat of a Pokemon, I used BDF(298-100-[Defense]-[HP]); basically, this is the damage dealt by a Mew attacking with a non-typed non-STAB 100-base-damage attack. However, since the defensive stat is normally inversely proportional to damage (meaning higher defense = lower damage rather than higher defense = higher damage), it has to be inverted. This will be explained later.

Now, to do anything more, you need to remember one more number, and the most pivotal in the system: 19.6. Why? Well, since a Mew is the center, a Mew attacking itself (both Attack and Defense being the same since BDF(298-100-298-403), Mew attacking Mew with a 100-base-damage attack, is in both the format BDF([Attack]-100-298-403) and the format BDF(298-100-[Defense]-[HP]), and thus, since they both apply, the resulting damage/stat will apply to both) yields 19.6 (thus Mew is a 19.6 rating in all of its stats). This means that being attacked by a Mew (used to determine the Defensive stat) is the same damage as being attacked by a 19.6 prop Attack Pokemon with a 100-base-damage attack, and hitting a Mew (used to determine the Attack stat) is the same damage as hitting a 19.6 prop Defense Pokemon with a 100-base-damage attack.

Now, recall I said I was going to invert the Defense to make it inversely proportional to the damage the Pokemon will take. Since 19.6 is the pivot point for the system, the main requirement is that, when I do the inversion (basically multiplying its reciprocal by any number, or, if you prefer, putting any number over it in a fractional sense), inverting 19.6 must yield 19.6. Otherwise, the Mew would be doing different amounts of damage to itself with the same attack (19.6 and whatever over number came up) and that can’t happen. So, I’ll set up an equation (consider the / as a fraction line if you like; either way it’s division):

19.6 = x/19.6

Basically, this is saying that I want the inversion of 19.6 (x/19.6) to equal 19.6. So, it’s simple to multiply both sides by 19.6, and I get x = 384.16 (19.6 squared). So, to invert the Defense, I simply modify the formula a little bit so the final number is inverted:


As you can see, the only changes I made were putting the result over 384.16 and inserting the Attack of 298 (since this only applies to measuring Defense stats, where the Mew‘s Attack is given).

The uses of the PhyDam and SpeDam stats will be discussed later; basically, they are 19.6/PhyDef and 19.6/SpeDef respectively, and are used for figuring damage with a later formula.

Working with Proportions

And as if all this math wasn’t enough, there’s plenty more! Don’t worry, because if I can make them from scratch, I’m sure you can understand a step-by-step walkthrough of how it’s done.

Anyhow, now’s where you can put these stats to work. Keep in mind, throughout this, that STATS ARE A FORM OF DAMAGE, since they are the result of running an attack through the BDF. Thus, when setting up proportions, Damage and Attack may be related (though Defense can’t be directly proportioned to damage since it’s inverted, so it has to be inverted again).

First, the base proportion behind the damage formula:

Dam/(384.16/Def) = Dam/(384.16/Def)

The 346.16 division is to invert it again (since n/x = y then n/y = x) so they are directly proportional. Now, let’s fill in the values we need: we’ll use the left as the damage against a Mew (the Pokemon’s Attack) and the Mew’s defense (19.6) and right as the damage that will be dealt and the defenders Defense. So:

Att/(384.16/19.6) = Dam/(384.16/Def)

I’ll continue to work with it:

Att/19.6 = Dam/(384.16/Def)

Att(384.16/Def)/19.6 = Dam

284.16Att/19.6Def = Dam

19.6Att/Def = Dam

Att * (19.6/Def) = Dam

And there you go, there’s the basic damage! Now, since both this figures are still damage, you can add base damage of the attack (BaseDam) to the formula (remember the left side is the Mew, so it will have the base 100).

(Att * (19.6/Def))/100 = Dam/BaseDam

Att * (19.6/Def) * BaseDam = Dam * 100

Att * (19.6/Def) * (BaseDam/100) = Dam

There you go! We can continue by adding type modifiers and STAB the same way (both are 1 on the Mew, and division/multiplication by 1 won’t affect Dam, so we can just skip that and multiply the left by STAB and type modifiers). So, the end formula is:

Att * (19.6/Def) * (BaseDam/100) * TypeMod * STAB = Dam

Of course, as with the regular BDF, you’d have to add on modifiers for Rain Dance/Clear Skies damage changes and such. Well, we’re almost done!

Now, back to the PhyDam and SpeDam stats. To make it easier on you, those are 19.6/Def, thus taking another step out of the BDF, and taking out the division.

The Limits

Now that we’ve gone over everything, you’ll need to know what you CAN’T do with Prop Stats, and will need Base or Max Stats to do:

- Figure the % damage on calculated damage attacks

- Figure the roof on defensive stats (since the HP isn’t multiplied and the Defense maxes out at 999, you‘d need to know the exact HP)

- Find the exact HP high and low end damages on an attack

- Work with Speed at all

- Do anything with Pokemon below level 100 or max stats


Well, in summary, the defensive stats in Prop Stats figure in HP in order to be more accurate, and can be compared in effectiveness at a glance (for example, a 10 Defense Pokemon will take twice the damage a 20 Defense Pokemon will take).

The following formula can be used to figure damage:

[Phy/Spe]Att * [Phy/Spe]Dam * (BaseDam/100) * TypeMod * STAB = Dam


[Phy/Spe]Att = Attacker’s PhyAtt or SpeAtt, depending upon if the attack used is physical-based or special-based

[Phy/Spe]Dam = Defender’s PhyDam or SpeDam, depending upon if the attack used is physical-based or special-based

BaseDam = Base damage of the attack being used

TypeMod = Standard type modifiers

STAB = Standard 1/1.5 STAB modifier

Dam = Damage the attack will deal


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